Tag Archives: dear kingston

Dear Kingston,

I am encouraged by you. I am encouraged by your willingness to make culture accessible to everyone, and I am grateful that you have allowed me to be a part of this one moment in your life. Most of all, I am encouraged by your people – by their love for the city, and their fight and desire to see something better for our community. Over this weekend, I had the privilege of meeting (and meeting once again) many people who call Kingston home. We talked about many things, including housing, education, and the aesthetics of our town. You gave me positive feedback as well as much to think about.

One thing you have all taught me is that diversity makes a neighbourhood lively. There are bound to be conflicts within a city, and people with different points of view. Perhaps that’s what makes running a city and affecting change so difficult – so many voices who have different priorities, wants, and needs. What is the best way for us to better our city? Harmonizing? Compromising? Keeping quiet? These are things I will continue to work through, and I hope you will join me in doing so.

Nevertheless, keep your fire burning, Kingston. I look forward to our continued conversations.

Catherine Lee
Kingston Through My Lens

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