Tag Archives: reflection

Less than 24 hours

So it’s finally here. The Culture Days weekend has begun, and already things are happening all over town. The next few hours for me will be full of making sure all the last-minute details are in place and ready for the start of the Kingston Through My Lens print exhibit. As I look around my room, the evidence of many nights of printing and measuring and sticking are now leaning neatly against a box, ready to be transported away for the start of the exhibit tomorrow. So this is what it feels like to be in the eye of the storm – between the flurry of activity during the photo project, and the anticipated frenzy of interactions this weekend.

It is exciting to think of the people that I may meet, the conversations we’ll have, and the action that will spring from it. After this weekend, I know I will come away with a renewed love for this city and for the people in it. Though I came into this Culture Days weekend as a first-time community activity organizer, I’m sure there will be many more events to come. What can I say…it’s infectious.

Looking forward to seeing you at our exhibits this weekend.

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